Introduction on How to Begin Composting.

A typical tumbler style compost bin.

A typical tumbler style compost bin.


Food waste, especially in the Summer, is often avoidable through various forms of composting, a practice involving the centralization of waste in a form of receptacle, where it can decompose. This introduction into the process can provide an introduction to the process. There are many other sources as well that can provide in depth reviews of particular composting systems and methods for those without municipal options.

These composting options function differently and can be used in various settings. For example, amongst indoor compost bins, electrically assisted models, with heating and mixing function, act as small scale, but relatively quick acting option. Another more simplistic option is the use of an indoor composting bin, composed of vertical trays relying on worms to decompose the soil, though the use of worms in an indoor environment is a source of discomfort for some. Amongst outdoor compost bins, there are both static, open bins, sometimes constructed of simple chicken wire, which can be used assuming there is a low risk of rodent or insect infestation; these bins offer the most flexibility. Other options are the outdoor tumbler bins, which function through the rotation of the circular bin, placed on a pedestal, usually constructed of plastic, tubular steel or aluminium.

Two smaller compost bins can often take the place of a singer larger unit.

Two smaller compost bins can often take the place of a singer larger unit.

Outdoor options tend to allow for greater quantities of compost at any given time, and enclosed outdoor units can be used throughout winter if compost is maintained consistently enough. For situations in which smaller quantities of compost are likely, most indoor compost bins can and should be used throughout colder months. When purchasing these enclosed units, for more immediate usable compost, purchase two smaller units to alternate instead of a larger unit, which may not fill and cure with subsequently usable compost until a later date, after which you must restart the procedure.

The ingredients also effect the compost, the two main types of ingredient, so called “ brown “ and “ green “ composts; the brown designated compost, is carbon heavy and named accordingly as the most common brown compost used are twigs and leaves. The colour of Green or Brown material does not always correlate with the designation; coffee grounds, for example, despite a brown colouring, are considered Green compost material. Green compost material is often green as well, and has high nitrogens rates; lettuce and grass clippings are frequently used.

Alternate layering of these different type of composting and, if appropriate to the compost bin, subsequent rotation or mixing, should allow for a consistent supply of compost several months after beginning the process. Use of meat based products and or any form of coal are not recommended. If maintained, composting yourself provides many opportunities and can present many uses due to the variety of forms of composting.